Martial status (If you don't mind, let us know how many years married, and how many times married)
Spouse's name
Spouse's occupation
What school and year did spouse graduate?
Name/ages of all your children
Tell us what you have been doing since the last reunion, or in the past 30 years..Please include information about family, education, jobs, travels, hobbies, current activities and future plans. (This information will be printed in the reunion directory, which will be handed out at the reunion. Please don't include info that you don't want others to know about.)
Complete this sentence, "What I remember most about my days at North Dallas High School is ...."
Who was your favorite teacher and why?
The difference between me in '74 and me in 2004 is .....
The classmate(s) that I keep up with are (list name and phone number) ....